Lusaka to Livingstone
If you want to get from Lusaka to Livingstone I can help you get there. I am Darius a tour guide based in Lusaka.
So first things first, if you are trying to get to Livingstone from Lusaka, there’s a number of ways you can do that.
1. Booking a Private Vehicle with a driver: Booking a private vehicle that comes with a driver is one of the best options you have. This is where I come in, aside from being a tour guide, I am also a PRIVATE DRIVER who can be hired. My car can carry up to 3 people with moderate luggage. I will get you from Lusaka to Livingstone at an agreed price. Just get in touch with me, call or Whats App me on 0972641491.
Now here is why in my opinion this is the best option to go with if you are not going to fly there.
- It takes the pressure and the trouble of having to start arranging for transportation yourself
- It saves you time
- It get you there quicker as opposed to using public transportation like buses
- It gives you comfort
- The driver (who is me) gets you there even if you have never been there before, and so you don’t have to worry about finding your way to Livingstone from Lusaka.
2 Using Public Transport Like Buses.
Using public transportation is another option
that’s available for you to get to Livingstone.
We have a number bus companies that go this route and below I list just a few of them;-
*United Bus of Zambia (UBZ)
3 Flying to Livingstone: You can fly there. Zambia has a number of Airlines that run flights from Lusaka to Livingstone.
among some of the best local airlines are Zambia Airways and Proflight. They run flights to and from Livingstone on certain days of the week.
4 Use the train: Zambia Railways used to operate a train that would go to and from both cities, they probably still do and this is one other mode of transport you can use to get from Lusaka to Livingstone
I hope you find this article helpful.